The storms in early January wreaked havoc on communities in Western Washington, closing schools and highways, knocking out power, and causing some neighborhoods to evacuate due to landslide warnings. In Grays Harbor county, Aberdeen and Hoquiam were hit especially hard with reported 7.12 inches of rain in a 36 hour period. For a full story of the storm, click here.

As of last week, people are still struggling with damage inflicted on their homes and personal belongings from the storm. Coastal Community Action Program (CCAP) has been deemed the Command Center for flood victims. “CCAP is attempting to temporarily house displaced residents while also fielding calls from anyone in need of assistance and directing them to different agencies around the area that are best able to cater to their specific needs” (Jake Schild, The Daily World, Aberdeen, Washington – click on link for full story). 

The following are some of the CCAP services are available in both Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties: 

  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
  • Project HELP and Winter help
  • Home Weatherization Assistance Program
  • Homeless Assistance
  • Rental Assistance

To see a full list of services, click here

Also, for a Western Washington weather year in review (2014), click here